Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kylies 17th Birthday & Homecoming Dance

Kylie's birthday was the same day as the homecoming game so after the game a bunch kids came over for ice cream and cake.This is Kylie's date for the dance, Jentry Nelson.Chantelle came over to help Kylie with her hair. Love ya Chantelle. She is Kylie's Cuz. I'm so glad someone lives close to do her hair. I don't do hair! She looked so pretty. I can't believe she is 17. Where does time go?


Marcy Cheney said...

She is beautiful! It must be kinda sad and bittersweet to see your last child growing up :) Kev and I are really excited to see y'all over Thanksgiving. I'll call ya that Wed when we're headed up. Love ya

Linda said...

Kylie!! You are so gorgeous!! Looks like you had fun on your birthday and at the dance! Love you!