Sunday, June 5, 2011


My Baby graduated from high school on May 25th, 2011! I am not sure how excited I am. Eric and I will be empty Nester's very soon. (I am very excited for her though, just not for me). The week was very exciting for her. It all started with Seminary graduation on Sunday the 22nd. On Monday we had a family BBQ in honor of Kylie. Starla made an amazing cake for her. Then on Wednesday the 25th she graduated. She is so amazing, she worked so hard to keep her grades up. She received 2 scholarships. She will start at BYU-I this fall.

Kylie with Mom & Dad at Seminary Graduation

Kylie with Camille Saunders

Kylie with Trevin Thompson

The day was pretty exciting! I am so proud of her!

This is Kylie and her good friend Trevin Thompson at kindergarten graduation. This is them 12 years later. Pretty cute. Notice Kylie has her arm around Trevin in the kindergarten photo and Trevin has his around her in the high school photo.

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